With that revealed, I suppose it is no surprise the 4th of July is one of my very favorite holidays! As a kid, I remember my very first fireworks show - and being so terrified of the loud noise that I spent the entire show nestled in my father's shoulder in tears, afraid to watch! As a teenager, I had outgrown that fear, and I remember celebrating with a friend's family and watching his father set off fireworks that rivaled the nearby country club's annual show (okay, maybe not the safe and sane fireworks, but it WAS a sight to be seen). And I'll never forget the phenomenal show we saw at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena one year!
However, my most favorite 4th of July memories have been made more recently while spending the past several 4th of July holidays with my family at Bass Lake. After a fun BBQ with family and friends, we load everyone up and head to the dock at dusk. We hop in the boat and find our spot in the middle of the lake. Can I tell you, there is no better place to watch fireworks than out in the open space of a beautiful lake with the silhouette of the mountains and trees creating a gorgeous backdrop. It is amazingly peaceful, and every year I find myself not only enjoying the fireworks, but taking some time to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in this great country. My thoughts always go to those who have fought and are still fighting to keep us safe and free, and to the loved ones of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom and liberty. 
As we get close to this 4th of July holiday, I'd love to hear about your favorite Independence Day memories or traditions. Simply share via the Comments link below between now and July 4th. On Monday, July 6th, I'll choose one lucky winner to receive a fun assortment of red, white and blue embellishments from Close To My Heart (okay, they'll be Cranberry, Outdoor Denim and White Daisy)!
AS children we would walk to the park for the fireworks show and then go to 31 flavors after. Nothing like fireworks and ice cream.
ReplyDeleteKathy Wafer
I know we have a lot in common and like many of the same things, but I had no idea of our same fondness for Lee Greenwood and God Bless The USA. It is absolutely one of my all time favorite songs, no matter how often I hear it I always tear up.
ReplyDeleteA funny memory was when I was maybe between the ages of 8 and 10 and we were at a big fireworks show at a college and one of the fireworks misfired and seemed to be falling (the umbrella sparks) fairly low. All of a sudden we realized it was WAY too close and an ember fell on our blanket and started smoking. We all jumped up, people all around us were yelling and jumping around, my dad was smothering the blanket. Lots of people left early that year! I can laugh now, but it was a bit scary then. It's amazing that I love fireworks as much as I do!
Jill Belkin
You know, my fondest memory of 4th of July has really been in the last 10 years. (Yeah, I'm too old to remember farther back than that!). The reason I say in the last 10 years, is because I now see 4th of July through the eyes of my son. Don't get me wrong...I still have to see fireworks at almost 50! One of my greatest memories was actually 3 years ago, when my family was traveling and we were in Seattle, Washington. Because fireworks are legal it was like the most unbelievable sight to see. Sitting along the lake in Kirkland and everywhere you looked were fireworks of every kind - in the air - reflecting on the water - it was incredible. Very different from our 4th of July celebrations here in California.
ReplyDeleteKim Dawson